Multi-Colored Yarn Balls Edutorial

Posted: February 1, 2010 by Hellcat in Fish Reports

For all of you out there like me who have been looking for the perfect yarn ball for under a float or on drift….Here it is.

I am happy to be able to pass along something I have recently learned. After all, that’s what it’s all about on Educate, motivate, re-create & demonstrate. Cheers & Tips.


  1. Bear says:

    Going to have to try those out.

    Thanks Hellcat for the sweet video.


  2. H20 says:

    Nice vid heller…….. the yarn egg is one of my favorite ways to drift fish for steelies and this method is much better than the one I use.


  3. daheller says:

    Nice. Looks like a great way to do the yarn balls. Add a couple of EZ eggs and a little scent and your’e good to go.

    Thanks for the info.


  4. trinity ted says:

    Does anybody have any secrets to rig this guys besides threw the egg loop or on the hook?

    Trinity Ted

  5. Hellcat says:


    Go ahead and use a standard leader W/O the egg loop….just tie your leader directly to a hook. Next, slide the multi-colored yarn ball up over the eye of your hook onto your leader. You are running your hook through the middle of the miracle thread nucleus which will keep it above the hook. If you are going to run EZ Eggs; slide them up on to your leader before you do the same with the yarn ball. Then scent it up. Thanks for commenting Ted. And thanks to everyone for your support.


  6. Matt says:

    Sweet video man the music had me moving to fast to keep up lol. Look’s like you have done this a time or two. These thing’s work great with a split under a Bob.


  7. Brent says:

    Hey Chris I have been at those for a while and if you want you can get by with just five strands of yarn also if you top the finished product off with that flash stuff but thin it out it will look like an egg that is milking out. That is very productive………thanks so much for the reassurance that I am doing it right…..I cant wait to fish with you again…


  8. Brent says:

    Ted you can also make them right on the hook with three or four strands of yarn it is a little harder but it works……….

    Brent Dazzle

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